New Year Resolutions: Just Being?

UGH. It’s that time of the year.

Oops, did I give away how I feel about New Years Resolutions??? 

Listen. It just saddens me to see the grip that New Year's Resolutions can have on people. 

You are worthy no matter what you accomplish, where you go, or how you look. 

There can be so many feelings that arise during this time of year, I mean we just had two very family orientated holidays, something that triggers quite a few people! Anxiety, stress, and irritation are rippling through the air it seems. Things can start to feel urgent, stuck, ‘not enough,’ or a failure and we tend to think that we need to “fix.” But what if I told you that there was absolutely nothing wrong with you? That you are incredibly worthy just how you are? That no matter what type of growth that you accomplish, you will still be the same amount of worthy as you are today? 

So if setting a New Year’s Resolution feels a bit daunting, what about setting an intention of just being? 

Woah! Did you notice anything coming up in your system when you read that? What would it be like for your resolution to just, be? 

The Pressure to Always Improve

New Year’s resolutions often stem from a sense of lack. The fitness goals, career ambitions, and productivity hacks are meant to fix something we believe is broken or missing. While growth and evolution are natural parts of life, the obsession with constant self-improvement can be exhausting and quite frankly, self-defeating. The idea that we need to earn our worth through achievements or transformations creates a cycle of striving that rarely leaves room for rest or self-acceptance. Two things that are required for humans to stay alive!!!

By choosing to just be, you step off the hamster wheel of “not enough” and reclaim your right to exist without conditions. 

You’re not abandoning ambition; you’re redefining success as presence, connection, and authenticity rather than a checklist of accomplishments.

What Can ‘Being Present’ Do For Me?

Instead of chasing a future version of yourself, you focus on the moment right in front of you, where your feet are, if you will.

Being present allows you to notice the beauty and wonder of your life. It also cultivates a deeper sense of gratitude, which has been shown to have so many positive benefits on your mental health, relationships, and overall well-being. 

Presence is not passive; it’s an active engagement with the world that enriches every experience.

You Are Already Enough

At its core, the decision to just be is a declaration of self-worth!!! It’s a reminder that you don’t need to earn your place in the world through achievements or self-imposed changes. 

You are enough, right here and right now. 

This doesn’t mean you won’t grow, but your growth will come from a place of curiosity and self-love, not criticism or insecurity.

When you embrace the idea that you’re already enough, you open the door to greater self-compassion. You become less afraid of failure and more willing to explore, create, and connect. 

Ironically, this mindset often leads to more meaningful growth than the rigid pursuit of resolutions ever could.

How to Embrace “Just Being” in the New Year

  1. Start Small: Practice moments of stillness and presence each day. Take a deep breath, pause, and simply observe where you are and how you feel. 

  2. Let Go of Shoulds: Stop shoulding on yourself!!! Notice when you’re pressuring yourself to do or be something and ask, “Is this what I truly need right now?”

  3. Celebrate Enoughness: Make a habit of affirming your worth as you are. Replace self-criticism with self-compassion.

  4. Be Open: Allow life to unfold without needing to control or predict every outcome. Trust that being present will guide you where you need to go.

A Year of Being

Take it easy on yourself this year. Resist the urge to make big changes or overhaul your life!! Instead, practice just being. By cultivating mindfulness and self-acceptance, you might find that the most meaningful transformations come from simply allowing yourself to be enough just as you are.


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